Monday 19 September 2011


3.9 b - Female reproductive system

3.9 a - Male reproductive system

3.12 - Amniotic Fluid

Between the uterus and the embryo there is amniotic fluid to protect the embryo
-this is because it cant be compressed and any blows/force to the uterus wall will be absorbed by the amniotic fluid and therefore protect the embryo

3.11 - Placenta

-An unborn child is in the uterus and he/she is surrounded by amniotic fluid
-at this time the child can not digest/breathe or excrete.
-So to obtain nutrients from the placenta (from the mother)
-The placenta grows from the embryo and the arteries/veins are the ones from the baby
-The placenta grows into the wall of the uterus
-In the bloodstream of the mother there is glucose amino acids and fats, this will flow into the wall of the uterus and cross into the childs blood(at the placenta)
-The placenta has a large surface area and the walls are thin to facilitate the statement above
-Carbon dioxide and urea is exchanged back into the blood of the mother