Sunday 24 April 2011

3.4 Plant Fertilisation

-Pollen grain germinates and tubes starts to grow.
-This is species specific (the tubes will only complete if its the same specie)
-The pollen tube tubes go all the way down to the ovule, the male nucleus travels through the pollen tube into the ovule
1) Pollen nucleus will fertilize the ovule ------------->  leads to a formation of a Zygote
                       -This will grow into the embryonic plant
2) Outside of the ovule forms a seed coat which is called a testa
3) Inside the ovule you get the formation of the cotyledons
                      -These are food stores for the 'seedlings'. This will support the plant until it grows/devalops leaves
4) Thickening of the walls of the ovary. This will build up sugars and proteins which will form the fruit which is developed from the wall of the ovary

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