Monday 20 June 2011

4.9 -carbon cycle

1) Photosynthesis (CO2 + H2O -----> C6H12O6 + O2)
CO2 comes from the atmosphere (0.03%)                        This reduces the atmospheric CO2


  • Produce ------> Primary consumers (Takes carbon from the producer for growth) -------> Secondary consumer (Same thing happens)
  • The Consumers and producers respire, which sends CO2 into the atmosphere

3) Respiration (C6H12O6 + O2 ------->Energy + CO2 +H2O
                                                     Adds CO2 in the atmosphere

4) Decompostion:

  • Eventually the producers & Consumers will die and will be decomposed (broken down) by bacteria and fungi (Decomposer Organisms)
  • Releases CO2 back into the atmosphere
5) Combustion:

  • Fossil fuels formed over millions of years (animals and plant materials) = oil/coal
  • These are combusted to form CO2
  • Best examples = Industrial applications and motor vehicles (cars, trucks, airplanes)
  • But it can also be combusted naturally = lightning striking vegetation (forest/grassland fires)

Monday 13 June 2011

4.14 - Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

Infrared light is re-emitted backwards to the surface
-the consequence is the increase of the average global temperature (Global warming)

Global Warming:
-Melting ice caps
-Rising sea levels
-Ocean currents change (Also effects how wind is generated)
-Climate change
-Changes in the distribution of the worlds Biomes
-Deserts would expand

4.13 - Greenhouse Gases

The burning of fossil fuels result in formation of:
NO2     these are the greenhouse gases

The things that produce those gases are:
-Domestic coal burning
Cows emit methane gas to the atmosphere (9% of total gases)

Clouds also contribute to the greenhouse effect (see 4.12)

CFC catalyses the brake down of the ozone layer

4.12 - Greenhouse Effect

CFC are the main gases that effect the ozone layer

4.11 - Gas pollution

Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is a gas that is added to the atmosphere when there is the combustion of fossil fuels:
-In factories (fossil fuels being burnt)
- From cars (let out SO2)

SO2 + H2O ----> Sulphuric acid
this combines to make clouds and creates acid rain.

Acid rain affects plants and animals:
-Trees are burnt by the direct effect of the acid
-Plants don't absorb Mg or Ca so the plants suffer of chlorosis
-The precipitation will produce streams and then go into lakes which makes the lakes more acidic and it makes aluminium
-The Al causes a thickening of the mucus on the gills. this reduces the fishs ability to take in oxygen from the water (kills the fish through suffocation)

Carbon Monoxide
This combines with the haemoglobin inside red cells and forms carbaminohaemoglobin. This blocks the hemoglobin from carrying oxygen.
This reduces the oxygen circulation. Too much Carbon monoxide can be fatal.