Monday 20 June 2011

4.9 -carbon cycle

1) Photosynthesis (CO2 + H2O -----> C6H12O6 + O2)
CO2 comes from the atmosphere (0.03%)                        This reduces the atmospheric CO2


  • Produce ------> Primary consumers (Takes carbon from the producer for growth) -------> Secondary consumer (Same thing happens)
  • The Consumers and producers respire, which sends CO2 into the atmosphere

3) Respiration (C6H12O6 + O2 ------->Energy + CO2 +H2O
                                                     Adds CO2 in the atmosphere

4) Decompostion:

  • Eventually the producers & Consumers will die and will be decomposed (broken down) by bacteria and fungi (Decomposer Organisms)
  • Releases CO2 back into the atmosphere
5) Combustion:

  • Fossil fuels formed over millions of years (animals and plant materials) = oil/coal
  • These are combusted to form CO2
  • Best examples = Industrial applications and motor vehicles (cars, trucks, airplanes)
  • But it can also be combusted naturally = lightning striking vegetation (forest/grassland fires)

1 comment:

  1. hey biology is really hard to understand but the way you explained with Diagrams it seems very easy...
