Sunday 6 November 2011

2.71 Ultrafiltration

The filtration of the blood happens in the nephron
The filtration makes 2 products:
-Clean blood
urine= water&salts&urea

-The filtration process begins in the Bowman's Capsule
-The filtration of blood begins when the blood comes in (high pressure) from the afferent arteriole into the kidney
-The blood vessel starts too branch off in a twisted and coil structure know as the glomerulus.
-The diameter of the Efferent arteriole is a lot smaller than the Afferent arteriole.
-This leads to high preassure
-The plasma (Water, salts, amino acids, glucose & urea) is forced out of the blood vessel and into Bowman's Capsule
-This is called glomerular filtrate

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