Sunday 6 November 2011

2.74 ADH - Anti Diuretic Hormne

-This hormone is produced in a region of the brain called the Hypothalamus
-Like all hormones it flows through the blood streams and its target is the kidney
-The effect of ADH is to control and alter the quantity of water in blood
-The tissue fluid is isotonic with the cytoplasm of the cell (role of ADH)
- ADH actually targets collecting ducts
-ADH allows more water to go out of the collecting duct
-ADH makes the collecting duct walls more porous (more water can escape)
-The water goes back into the blood
-The consequence is that the urine is more concentrated and it has a lower volume.

Hot day = more ADH (sweat)
Cold day = less ADH (not as much sweat)
Dehydrated= more ADH (body needs more water for it to work)

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