Tuesday 14 February 2012

5.1 - Glasshouses

5.1 describe how glasshouses and polythene tunnels can be used to increase the yield of certain crops

Glasshouses are used to to make the conditions ideal for a plant to grow.

  • Light enters the glasshouse and is absorbed by substances in the glasshouse such as soil and plants.
  • The plants re-emit the light energy as heat and the average temperature in the glasshouse increases
  • The trapped warm air is better for the plants because it is nearer to the plants optimum temperature which means the enzymes in the plants react faster and produce more
  • Glasshouses also prevent things such as insects and animals to come and eat the plants. Not only that but it also protects the plants from natural things like wind, snow and changes in temperature
  • Also since it is a closed area it prevents water vapour to escape therefore the plants wont dry out

Polythene tunnels work the same way as a glasshouse, heating up the environment making it more ideal for the plant to grow however it provides less protection for the plants. Polythene tunnels are more common because they are a lot cheaper/ affordable and can be set up more easily

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