Monday 27 February 2012

5.10 Breeding Plants

Understand plants with desired characteristics can be developed by selective breeding.

The number of rice grains is in the control of genes, the farmer wants to improve the number of rice grain per plant (increase the yield). He notices some plants have 6 grains per stem and others have 8 or 10 grains per stem. The farmers decision is to harvest the plants with 6 & 8 grains per plant and use the other grains (10 grains per stem) for planting.

He notices the next generation of rice the grains increased to 8,10 and 12 grains per stem. Therefore he harvest the 8 and 10 grain stems and selects the 12 grain ones for breeding and planting.
In this way the number of grains of rice will gradually increase = yield increases. This is an example of selective breeding

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