Monday 27 February 2012

5.11- Breeding animals

Understand that animals with desired characteristics can be developed by selective breeding.

Example: Cow
Desired: Milk yield

  • The earliest farmers noticed that some cows make around 50ml of milk each time they are milk and a few others make 150ml of milk but most of them make 100ml. 
  • The farmer will take all the milk but choose to breed only the ones that make 150ml milk
  • In the next generation a few cows produce 100ml, 200ml and the majority produce 150ml.
  • Of course the farmer take all the milk and select the cows that produce the most milk for breeding
  • Perhaps in the next generation the cows will produce 150 to 250 ml of milk.
  • The farmers are therefore developing the desired characteristics by selective breeding.
  • For this to work the milk yield must be genetic

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